
About Me

Hi, my name is José Fernandes. I'm 23 from Portugal and I'm about to finish my Masters in Informatics Engeneering at Minho University.

My thesis explored the rendering of particle-based fluids which resulted in a light and fast renderer as well as a voxel-based renderer with realistic raytraced lighting.

My current interests are Computer Graphics and High-Performance computing. Though I also enjoy language processing, automation and backend development.

I built my own custom desktop at 16 years old. This was the beggining of a fascination with computers which resulted in me enjoying working close to hardware using low-level languages and APIs.


Integrated Masters in Informatic Engineering

Minho University. Grade Average: 16/20 (2016-2022)

In my masters I specialized in Computer Graphics and Parallel and Distributed Computing.

In the Computer Graphics half of the masters taught me how to write shaders, computer vision, and in the end of the first year gloabal illumination using Ray-Tracing

The Parallel and Distributed Computing. half focused on learning the architetures of GPU and CPUs on an hardware level while having a practical component focused on low-level optimizations, profiline and benchmarking, writting multithreaded code while exploiting hardware features such as SIMD and it's multiple cores or using multi-cpu machines in a cluster environment.

During my universty days I also:

  • Attended Inter-University Programing Marathon, 2017
  • Attended Heartbits Hackathon, 2017
  • Attended Hacktivate Hackathon, 2018
  • MAD Game Jam organised by ESMAD, IPP, 2020



  • C and C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python
  • GLSL
  • CUDA
  • Haskell

Computer Graphics Skills

  • Understanding of the Rendering Pipeline
  • Knowledge of 3d Mathematics and Transformations
  • Raytracing
  • OpenGL
  • Dear ImGui

Parallel Computing Skills

  • Knowledge of CPU and GPU architetures
  • ILP and SIMD
  • Multithreading and Multi-CPU
  • Experience in an HPC
  • OpenMP, OpenMPI and PThreads
  • Profiling and Benchmarking


  • Visual Studio
  • GCC and GDB
  • CMake
  • ASP.Net Core
  • Linux
  • Ansible
  • Unity


  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Neo4J

Other skills

  • Imperative, Object Oriented and Functional Paradigms
  • Linear Programming
  • Algorithms and Data-structures
  • Regular Expressions
  • UML
  • GCP
  • Git
  • Backend development

Highlighted Work

Real-time Voxel-based Fluid Renderer (2021/22)

Real-time voxel-based renderer of a particle-based fluid simulation capable of handling multiple refractions as well as providing accurate color attenation.

Devolped as the second component of my masters thesis.

Technologies: Python, C++, GLSL, OpenGL, Lua

Iterative Pathtracer (2020)

Pathraced global ilumination supporting multiple rays with multiple bounces, glossy materials and ray accumulation

Technologies: CUDA, OpenGL, GLSL, NVIDIA Optix

Scene Independent Particle Accumulation (2020)

A project in which particles fall, and colide onto a scene and then are then accumulated on a texture which is then rendered using raycasting. The heightmap of the scene is generated using a top-down orthographic camera which enables the technique to work on any static scene.

Technologies: OpenGL, GLSL, Lua

Terrain and grass generation with post processing (2019)

Tesselated terrain generation with procederal grass generation on geometry shaders as well as the inclusion of some post processing in the form of lens-flare, bloom and chromatic aberration.

Technologies: OpenGL, GLSL

A Few More Screenshots

Other Work

Here are some additional projects in which I've worked on at university.

Projeto em Engenharia Informática (2020)

Industry project with Accenture

Worked in a project for Accenture with their close supervision in a university project during my masters with the aim to prepare us to the business world. Here I worked on:

  • Python simulator which would create big amounts of realistic data for testing;
  • Integration of said simulator with Google Cloud Platform through the Pub/Sub service;
  • Helped in developing Dataflow Jobs which would process data;
  • Helped in the integration of the simulator with an graphical tool which would allow visualization of this data in 3D.

Sweet Chef (2019)

A personal cooking assistant with multiple recipes and voice controls. In this group project I did backend development.

Technologies: C#, Asp.Net Core, SQL Server, Javascript, Bootstrap

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